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Die Suche nach »bradycardia« hat 5 Resultate geliefert.
The Largest Biological Experiment Ever
Electromagnetic Radiation An invisible electrosmog engulfs us, destroying the health of many who do not even know why they have fallen ill. Why is no one listening to the mass of evidence telling us... ...
Starmail - 2. Jun, 06:26
Personal Stories and Symptoms
ElectroSensitivity-UK Per sonal Stories and Symptoms Those who are unfortunate enough to suffer from an only partly recognised illness are frequently vulnerable to arbitrary and ill-informed diagnoses,... ...
Starmail - 4. Jan, 14:54
Microwave Sickness
Copyright © 1996 by Lucinda Grant All Rights Reserved Part 1 On August 6, 1996, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted U.S. radiation standards for transmitters operating in the 300 kHz... ...
Starmail - 14. Feb, 09:04
The aptness of Russia for a launch of "World Without Waves"
Hi Klaus: It is so apt that the/our film “World Without Waves” is being launched in Russia. Here are another couple of reasons why this is so: 1. I have finished rereading Karl Maret, M.D., M.Eng, report... ...
Starmail - 2. Jun, 15:56
Telecommunications vs. The Environment
The following article is from HOPEDANCE Issue #43 ~ March/April 2004 http://www.hopedance .org http://www.hopedance. org/new/issues/43/article8 .html Telecommunications vs. The Environment by Arthur Firstenberg In... ...
Starmail - 11. Dez, 22:42